Cursos tecnologos spanish translation

Translations in context of "technicians" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: medical technicians, dental technicians. Quais cursos tecnólogo mais empregam no Brasil e trazem mais retorno financeiro (altos salários)? Vale mesmo a pena fazer um curso tecnólogo?São mais de 100. Curso Superior de Tecnologia (higher technologist) programs are between two and three years in length and are entered after upper-secondary school. For other languages, you should just change the languages between It takes less than a second to translate English to Spanish. It does any translation in 3 seconds and is Learn the Spanish language or translate to Spanish with our online language translator.

They lead to the tecnólogo degree, usually after a minimum carga horaria of 1,600 hours for two-year programs and 2,000 and 2,400 hours, respectively, for two-and-a-half- and three-year programs. English Spanish Translation service is intended to provide an instant English Spanish translation of words, phrases and texts.

Translation examples in context of солёная in Spanish by PROMT, collocations and idioms, contexts, word meanings in different contexts for English La gente llega aquí para pasar cursos de tratamiento con agua salada, salmuera y barros curativos y fortificar su salud en casos de dermatitis, alergias. How to get recognition of Foreign Qualifications? The recognition of Foreign Qualifications can be made through academic recognition or through professional recognition.

Como dissemos, o objetivo dos cursos tecnologos é a formação de pessoas qualificadas em uma área específica, prontas para trabalharem e aptas a Aliás, o ENADE tornou-se válido para os cursos tecnologos depois da apresentação do catálogo de cursos, em 2007, que envolviam informações. The academic recognition is the process by which an foreign academic qualification is compared to a Portuguese qualification concerning the level, duration and program content.


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